French lessons
Created by Jessica 9 years ago
Caroline's specialism was Science and Maths. However, whenever she came into my French lessons, I would get her to participate and as we are the same age, I know how long it was since Caroline's French lessons in school. She would always have a go, speaking to the students in French and encouraging their responses. If there was an exercise on the board she would invariably have a go, giving the students, particularly the GCSE classes, a run for their money. This was something that I genuinely admired and I know that the students appreciated her input. Another favourite incident involved a member of my tutor group and a short skirt. With my back to the door, I asked the student if she felt that Mrs Brooker would think her skirt an appropriate length. The class was unusually quiet and I had not realised that Caroline had in fact come into the room and was standing behind me, listening intently. We all found this highly amusing.
I feel privileged to have worked with her and will carry in batting for Team Walsham in her absence. Jessica Presland.